FTP settings

Oh dang. I haven’t used Rapidweaver for some time. I have updated it. Now I cannot get my FTP to work. I have the correct password, it seems like it is working, but where are the files going?

How I fractured my collarbone

A diversion to chemistry. I was skiing in New England, fell, and fractured my clavicle. This was quite unexpected as I have fallen while skiing many times in the past without injury (I have had some minor injuries though).

After my injury, I saw two World Cup skiers fall in similar ways to my fall. Initially, Lindsay Vonn thought she fractured her arm (she didn't), but neither skier was seriously injured. Ted Ligety fell by getting "back seated" in a slalom race. While spectacular, I didn't fall like that. It does show how much spring one can get from skis to become airborn without trying.

Ligety-Vonn crashes (.mov)

If there was video of my fall, it would look more like Lindsay Vonn's. At the gate, Vonn's outside ski slides out. When this ski catches (hooks up) that ski drives back into the hill. Because her leg is straight, she cannot absorb that force and it causes her to lose her balance. That turn resulted in her falling onto her left side. My fall was the mirror image of this fall. I was turning with my left leg extended and my ski hooked up driving it under me. I went airborn and landed on the back of my right shoulder with a cracking sound.

I walked down the hill to where the ski slid that came off. I realized that I had hurt my shoulder, but I didn't know how badly. I went into the NASTAR race shed (yes, I was racing when I fell) and asked for the ski patrol. They took me by tobaggan to the first aid building. The ski patroller guessed that I broke my collarbone. The resort had a doctor there and took x-rays. The break was confirmed, they put a figure-of-eight splint on, and advised me to have a doctor to check it in 1-2 weeks. My first question was, "When can I play tennis?" From what they said, I thought I might be able to play in three to four weeks. I thought I could deal with that. I had two matches between the injury and my doctor's appointment. I arranged for substitutes and I awaited my doctor's visit.
08 May 2011
03 January 2010